In the electrifying world of “Boruto Two Blue Vortex,” the tension between Boruto and Kawaki reaches its peak. The manga has long set the stage for these two formidable characters to be arch-rivals, and in Chapter 9, their anticipated confrontation unfolds, revealing the extent of their powers.
Strength Comparison: As of the latest chapter, Boruto emerges as the stronger contender. Without resorting to jutsu or karma, he manages to overpower Kawaki, who, despite utilizing his Otsutsuki jutsu and karma, cannot keep pace with Boruto’s raw strength and agility.
Timeskip Transformations: The time skip has been kind to Boruto, enhancing his abilities and sharpening his focus. While he has yet to unveil the full scope of his powers, his confidence suggests a hidden depth to his combat skills. Kawaki, on the other hand, has honed the jutsu passed down from Isshiki Otsutsuki and gained greater control over his karma, yet his development pales in comparison to Boruto’s.
The Clash of Titans: Their encounter after three years is a testament to their growth, with Boruto’s superior taijutsu and quicker reflexes giving him the upper hand. Kawaki’s initial assault with chakra rods is effortlessly evaded by Boruto, who counters with a decisive punch, forcing Kawaki to resort to his karma.
This chapter not only serves as a pivotal moment in their rivalry but also sets the stage for future battles, where both characters will undoubtedly push their limits even further.