In the world of “Demon Slayer”, Tanjiro, the protagonist, is currently undergoing his Hashira training in Season 4. Interestingly, it’s Tanjiro who persistently urges the elite warriors to participate in the training. This has led to a delightful montage in Episode 2, where Tanjiro repeatedly seeks out Giyu Tomioka, the Water Hashira. The sequence showcases Tanjiro intruding into Giyu’s life in various amusing ways.
This montage has already made its way to social media, where fans are enamored by its charm. Tanjiro’s dedication as a member of the Demon Slayer Corps and his relentless pursuit of Hashira training, despite the trainers’ reluctance, has won over viewers.
Fans have taken to Reddit to express their delight, with one top comment summarizing the episode as “Giyu-San. Another viewer found the scene where Tanjiro’s shadow looms menacingly in the background while Giyu is in bed, particularly striking.
On Twitter, fans have noted Tanjiro’s persistent attempts to befriend stoic characters. His relentless positivity and energy, akin to a puppy, have charmed viewers, especially when he interacts with reserved characters.
The bond between Tanjiro and Giyu isn’t sudden. From the beginning, Giyu had faith in Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko. Giyu, a key character from the anime’s first episode and the manga’s first chapter, has a deep connection with Tanjir. Despite his reserved nature, Tanjiro sees Giyu not just as a mentor, but also as a big brother.
As the Hashira Training Arc continues, fans eagerly await more heartwarming and captivating moments. For those who are up-to-date with the series, there are numerous resources available to delve deeper into the franchise, including guides on Tanjiro’s earrings and the Hashira Training.