In the highly-anticipated sequel to OCN’s hit 2018 series, “The Player,” “The Player 2: Master of Swindlers”, a squad of talented swindlers targets the wealthy and corrupt by stealing dirty money obtained through illegal means. Led by the slick con artist Kang Ha Ri (played by Song Seung Heon), the team includes skilled hacker Lim Byung Min (Lee Si Eon), fighter Do Jin Woong (Tae Won Suk), and the mysterious driver Cha Je Yi (Jang Gyuri). 🕵️♂️💰
In the latest episode, Lim Byung Min and Cha Je Yi adopt nerdy disguises to infiltrate KU Entertainment. Their playful bickering and unique chemistry promise hilarious undercover teamwork. As they chase justice, viewers can’t wait to see their next move! Tune in to the third episode tonight at 8:50 p.m. KST. 🎬🔍