Players of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 who bought an absurdly pricey $34 weapon package are receiving a portion of their money back. Since then, the cost of the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 bundle has been lowered.
Players can buy new bundles in Call of Duty through the in-game store, which are updated frequently and typically contain a mix of skins, weapon blueprints, and other cosmetic goods. Even while this money-making strategy is widely used in the game business and is currently considered standard procedure, Call of Duty still occasionally irritates fans. A recent Modern Warfare 3 package that charged $24 for items that many Zombies fans didn’t think were worth the price infuriated sections of the fan base. Fans of Call of Duty appear to have another cause for surprise regarding the franchise’s in-game purchases.
The Gassed Up bundle, the most expensive Call of Duty bundle ever, was available for a brief period of time on February 18 in the in-game store for 3,400 COD Points (about $34). The significant price hike infuriated and shocked fans, who pointed out that the well-liked Helldivers 2 was available for about the same money. Thankfully, Call of Duty has already lowered the package to 2,400 COD Points, the standard cost for such an offering, suggesting that the previous price was only an oversight. Activision promised a 1,000 COD Point refund to any user who paid 3,400 COD Points for the combo. The three weapon blueprints with tracers, additional cosmetics, and XP tokens are included in the Gassed Up bundle, which is still available.
The Gassed Up Bundle for Call of Duty includes the following items
- WSP-9 Gassed Up blueprint
- WSP Stinger Gassed Up blueprint
- WSP Swarm Gassed Up blueprint
- Toxic Touch decal
- Deliquesce sticker
- Shotgunned charm
- Masked Up emblem
- 1 hour double XP token
- 1 hour double weapon XP token
- 1 hour double battle pass XP token
Even with the bundle being reduced to the customary 2,400 COD Points, a lot of players were still upset with Call of Duty’s exorbitant in-game purchase prices. Though Activision makes a ton of money from Call of Duty, in part because of the bundles that are sold in the in-game store, it doesn’t appear like this will change very soon.

Recently, the Rick Grimes skin in Modern Warfare 3 also infuriated Call of Duty enthusiasts. While fans were thrilled to see one of The Walking Dead’s most recognizable characters added to the game, some were let down by what they saw to be mediocre voice acting. The skin is available with Call of Duty’s most recent battle pass.
Positive Call of Duty news did, however, surface lately when leaks disclosed a Warhammer 40K crossover that has not yet been officially announced. It appears that Space Marines from Warhammer 40K will be included in the prospective crossover, along with perhaps a special game style.