Whoa, Meng Ziyi and Li Yunrui’s characters from Blossom are officially married! It’s evident from the plot that the main couple’s wedding was inevitable given the circumstances. In this case, I had assumed it would adhere to the cliché of “marriage before romance,” but it doesn’t. The major protagonists have weathered a lot of storms together. Our heroine Dou Zhao hasn’t had much better luck with her immediate family either, and Song Mo’s father is undoubtedly one of the worst fathers in C-dramaland, I must say. Fortunately, both have supportive, kind people in their lives.

In case you’ve been wondering when Dou Zhao and Song Mo might be married, Episode 20 (19) provides a glimpse! And you can’t help but smile the entire time because it’s so adorable. It’s humorous because of the small accidents that occur, but it’s also poignant because of her confession and his dedication. The show still deserves a kiss, though!
The drama has been on the verge of reaching 30,000 on the Tencent Heat Index, but it hasn’t quite done so. What better time than the big wedding for it to finally happen? The hashtag #Blossom30000 trended as fans pushed for the program to reach the milestone, commenting and engaging constantly. Blossom officially reached 30,000 viewers on the ninth day of its run!