In this drama, we follow the story of Lee Kun (played by Kim Jaejoong), a former tennis prodigy whose life takes an unexpected turn when all his memories are erased by a revolutionary device. Reborn with newfound charisma, Lee Kun encounters Kyung Joo Yeon (portrayed by Jin Se Yeon), a brilliant neuropsychiatrist known for her icy demeanor.
Their paths intertwine as Joo Yeon becomes Lee Kun’s fabricated first love through memory manipulation. Despite her tough exterior, she harbors deep-seated emotions stemming from a painful past. As Lee Kun’s persistent charm breaks down Joo Yeon’s barriers, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to him, her heart fluttering in response.
The teaser hints at their evolving relationship, showcasing moments of tender gazes under starlit skies and heartfelt declarations of protection. And yes, there’s a promising kiss too! 😊
“Bad Memory Eraser” premieres on August 2, so mark your calendars for this captivating romance with a twist!