The charming photo spread and chat with “Lovely Runner” star Kim Hye Yoon has been released by Cosmopolitan!
When asked about her feelings over “Lovely Runner’s” popularity during the interview, the actress responded with humility, saying, “It’s more than I deserve, and I am truly grateful for it.”

She went on to discuss the drama, saying, “It was as if I was looking through someone’s diary.” Her teenage years and her thirties were a priceless period of time spent living as Im Sol. I gained a lot of knowledge from the character, and it was a positive experience.

Speaking about the elements that have contributed to the drama’s enormous success, Kim Hye Yoon underlined, “I think the mutual rescue narrative is where ‘Lovely Runner’ really shines. I believe a lot of people enjoyed how Sun Jae (Byeon Woo Seok) interpreted the scenes originally shown from Sol’s perspective in the drama.

In response to a question concerning her performance and which sequences she would reshoot if given the option, she humbly said, “I’m rarely satisfied with my acting.” Although I personally regret every moment, I think that if I could go back in time, I would still behave in the same manner since I know that the previous version of myself gave it its all when filming.

She said, addressing her tendency for perfection, “I enjoy being severe. I constantly strive to give everything I do my all. I believe the reason I have progressed this far is due to my persistent efforts to improve, even in the face of past failures.
With respect to the domains in which she permits herself to unwind, she disclosed, “I am, in fact, extremely at ease the majority of the time, with the exception of acting.” It seems as though I only pay attention when I decide to. Acting is something I really want to do well, so I want to give it my all and follow a rigid regimen.”
Kim Hye Yoon said, “Watching my previous works made me think that I’ve been leaving a video diary of myself at that moment in time,” in reference to her acting career. I get strength when I watch those old projects to remind myself of those moments. I consider myself fortunate and appreciative that acting is my vocation for this reason.

“I’ve played many different characters up until now, and some people told me that they found comfort in my acting projects,” she said as she wrapped up the conversation. Even if I’m not particularly exceptional, I find it quite meaningful that I can use acting to give someone courage and optimism, and I genuinely value that. “I hope that “Kim Hye Yoon” can continue to be material that gives many people positive vibes and cheerful energy,” she continued.
The complete interview with Kim Hye Yoon can be found in Cosmopolitan Korea’s July edition.