In an unexpected twist, acclaimed actress Kim So Yeon is set to captivate audiences with her daring new role in the upcoming JTBC drama “A Virtuous Business.” The recently unveiled poster showcases Kim’s transformation into Jung Sook, a saleswoman navigating the taboo world of adult toy sales in 1990s rural Korea.
A Glimpse into the Past
Set in 1992, “A Virtuous Business” transports viewers to a time when discussing sex was strictly off-limits, especially in conservative rural areas. The drama promises to explore themes of women’s independence, personal growth, and the power of friendship as four “sisters” embark on a unique business venture.
From Beauty Queen to Saleswoman
Kim So Yeon’s character, Jung Sook, is a former beauty pageant winner who finds herself in financial straits. Driven by the desire to provide for her family, she stumbles into the world of adult toy sales and discovers an unexpected talent for marketing these taboo products.
A Star-Studded Cast
Joining Kim So Yeon in this groundbreaking drama are:
- Kim Sung Ryung as the elegant Oh Geum Hee
- Kim Sun Young as Seo Young Bok, a cheerful mother of multiple children
- Lee Se Hee as Lee Joo Ri, a single mother and the show’s “it girl”
- Yeon Woo Jin as Detective Kim Do Hyun, adding a touch of mystery to the series
Breaking Barriers and Challenging Norms
“A Virtuous Business” aims to shed light on the struggles and triumphs of women in a deeply conservative society. By tackling subjects once considered untouchable, the drama seeks to spark conversations about empowerment, sexuality, and societal expectations.
What to Expect
Viewers can anticipate a blend of humor, drama, and poignant moments as the characters navigate their unconventional business and personal lives. The series promises to deliver not only entertainment but also thought-provoking commentary on social norms and women’s roles in society.
“A Virtuous Business” is scheduled to premiere in October 2024, offering audiences a unique glimpse into a pivotal era of Korean history through a fresh and daring lens.
- When will “A Virtuous Business” premiere?
The drama is set to air in October 2024. - Who are the main cast members of “A Virtuous Business”?
The main cast includes Kim So Yeon, Kim Sung Ryung, Kim Sun Young, Lee Se Hee, and Yeon Woo Jin. - What is the premise of “A Virtuous Business”?
The drama follows four women who start selling adult products door-to-door in a rural Korean village in 1992, exploring themes of independence, growth, and friendship. - Is “A Virtuous Business” based on another series?
Yes, it’s a remake of the 2016 British television series “Brief Encounters.” - What makes this drama unique?
It tackles the taboo subject of adult toy sales in conservative 1990s Korea, offering a fresh perspective on women’s empowerment and societal norms.