“My Hero Academia” (MHA) has captured the hearts of anime enthusiasts worldwide. However, its recent epilogue has sparked heated debates among fans. What’s the bone of contention? The lack of a timeskip in the story.
The Linear Narrative
MHA follows a linear narrative. It kicks off with Deku receiving the One For All quirk and enrolling at U.A. High School. Throughout the series, we witness major events like All Might’s battle against All For One, the Paranormal Liberation War, and the Final War—all within the span of one year. But is this approach the right choice?
The Timeskip Trope
Timeskips are common in shonen series. Iconic franchises like “One Piece,” “Naruto,” and “Dragon Ball” have employed them to show character growth over time. Fans expected MHA to follow suit, but it didn’t. Some argue that a timeskip isn’t necessary, but others believe it would’ve added authenticity.
Deku’s Progression
Deku’s rapid strength development raises eyebrows. In just a few months, he transforms from a physically weak student to a powerhouse. Fans question whether this is believable. A three-year progression would’ve felt more authentic, allowing Deku to master One For All gradually.
The Fan Divide
Opinions diverge. Some fans clamor for a timeskip, claiming it would’ve enhanced character development. Others appreciate the continuous narrative, arguing that older teenage versions of the characters wouldn’t add much to the story. Ultimately, MHA’s lack of a timeskip remains a hot topic.
As MHA nears its end, the author’s decision stands. Whether you’re pro-timeskip or pro-continuity, one thing is certain: My Hero Academia continues to ignite passionate discussions among fans.
What’s your take on the timeline controversy? Let us know in the comments below! 🔥