After some difficult years with Street Fighter 5, the series returned to its previous glory with the release of Street Fighter 6. This was in June 2023. While many games in the genre suffer from a significant player drop-off, this one has maintained a sizable audience and set attendance records at big tournaments. While Street Fighter 6 is off to a great start, it will need to deliver a robust content library by 2024 to maintain its position as the benchmark for contemporary fighting games, especially because Mortal Kombat 1 was launched in September and Tekken 8 is quickly approaching. Fortunately, the title looks to have a bright future ahead of it with the addition of new characters and more.
Street Fighter 6 had a lot of content additions in 2023 after its release. A partnership with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles made it possible for players to purchase outfits that looked like the well-known superheroes. Additionally, the game received new cosmetics in the form of alternate fighter uniforms and clothing pieces for the player’s avatar. Rashid and A.K.I. were added to the game as new adversaries, in addition to new cosmetic items and sporadic feature updates. The well-rounded ensemble of the game gained even more diversity with the arrival of these characters, who were all well-balanced. For the game’s Year 1 Character Pass, which will see the addition of two more fighters in 2024, the pair was a great start.
Two New Characters for Street Fighter 6 Are Announced for 2024
The next character to appear in Street Fighter 6 is Ed. After making an appearance in Rose’s story in Street Fighter 4, the character was first made playable in Street Fighter 5. Ed is a boxer, one of the few characters from Street Fighter 6 that isn’t present right now. Boxers are skilled in close-quarters fighting and typically solely use their fists to attack. Since Ed in Street Fighter 5 only required motion inputs for his Critical Arts, he is a favorite character among novice players. Should this design decision be maintained, he might be the ideal character to teach SF6’s Modern control users how to use the Classic control approach. Ed is coming in the winter of 2024.
The last fighter revealed for Street Fighter 6’s Year 1 Character Pass is Akuma. He has been Ryu’s longstanding nemesis and has made appearances in nearly every Street Fighter game. Like Ken and Ryu, Akuma is a shoto character; nevertheless, he is the franchise’s resident glass canon due to his generally more aggressive move set and lesser health. Although the character is usually one of the hardest to play in any given game, players who select him are rewarded with a lot of versatility. Even though he can be challenging, Akuma has a strong history, which makes him a favorite among experienced players. In the spring of 2024, he will arrive at SF6.
Street Fighter 6 Will Probably Announce More Content in 2024

Even though Capcom has only shown two additional Street Fighter 6 characters, it doesn’t look like the game will be finished. Due to its strong sales, SF5 also got four seasons of DLC characters in addition to additional post-release updates. Capcom Cup, which is usually where Street Fighter announcements happen, is happening toward the end of February, so it’s probable that some major news may be revealed there. However, as this date falls outside of Akuma’s release timetable, it’s possible that the creators will postpone any speculative pronouncements until after his release. Since Street Fighter is a long-running series, there are many possible DLC combatants that SF6 may eventually include.
There Will Be Additional Cosmetics and Costumes for Street Fighter 6
The creators of Street Fighter 6 have stated that there will be a lot of in-game events in the game in 2024. These events will probably result in the addition of additional cosmetics to the game, giving users even more options to personalize their avatars. The first major occasion is a crossover in honor of the Spy X Family movie, which starts on January 9. It appears that 2024 will be another fantastic year for Street Fighter 6 with Capcom Cup X, in-game events, and at least two more characters.