Jujutsu Kaisen, a globally acclaimed anime, has recently set a new world record as the most in-demand animated TV series. The show, produced by MAPPA, is celebrated for its fluid animation, artistic design, and masterful direction. However, fans have noticed and appreciated a subtle detail that MAPPA has incorporated into the series, adding another layer of depth to the narrative.
Viewers have observed that MAPPA has cleverly used light and shadow in certain scenes to foreshadow the characters’ destinies. For instance, in the second opening song, an image features Mechamaru, Mai, Miwa, and Momo, with Mechamaru cast in shadow while the girls are illuminated.
This pattern continues in the third ending song, where Gojo, Geto, and Shoko part ways for the day. Gojo and Shoko are bathed in light, while Geto is depicted walking into the shadows.
The Zenin sisters, Maki and Mai, are two characters where this symbolism is most evident. In various scenes, Maki is portrayed in the light, while Mai is shown in the shadows.
Fans have discerned a pattern in this visual symbolism. Characters shown in the light generally have a positive future, while those in the shadows often meet tragic ends or commit grave acts.
Characters like Mechamaru, Mai, and Geto, who are often shown in the shadows, meet their demise in the series. Mechamaru and Geto, in particular, tread a dark path. Geto transforms into a character who wishes to eliminate normal humans, while Mechamaru is revealed to be a traitor, albeit to safeguard his friends. Characters in the light, while not all surviving, do not stray from the righteous path.
This use of symbolism in Jujutsu Kaisen has been lauded by fans as a brilliant addition by MAPPA. Fans have expressed their admiration for this technique on platforms like Reddit, with one user stating, “Love MAPPA for this, symbolism is one of my favorite ways of adding depth to the story. They have done this in previous anime like Banana Fish and Dororo too.”
In addition to the light and shadow symbolism, MAPPA has also subtly altered the eye colors of certain characters, a detail often linked to personality symbolism. This alteration reflects deeper aspects of a character’s personality according to color symbolism.
Gege Akutami, the creator of Jujutsu Kaisen, is known for using symbolism and foreshadowing in his storytelling. With MAPPA’s subtle and clever use of visual symbolism, fans are sure to delve deeper into the anime, appreciating the layers of meaning embedded in the series.