Cats love to be clean and make great groomers. However, if they end up with feces in their fur, sometimes they will need a little assistance from you, regardless of how adept they are at cleaning themselves. Pooping out of a cat’s fur may occur more frequently if they are overweight or have arthritis, as these conditions make it difficult for them to groom themselves. There are other occasions when cats get diarrhea that stains them as well as their litter boxes.
We’ve put up a list of simple methods to assist you in removing cat feces from your cat’s fur and restoring its natural scent and feeling. Now let’s get going.
Before beginning the feces removal
It’s preferable to prepare everything you’ll need before starting this work once you realize you have to do it. Cats may not always agree with everything you have in mind, even though they dislike having poop in their fur. You may not require every one of these items, depending on the cleaning technique you choose to employ. Nevertheless, you might select from and keep on hand the items on this list for these kinds of circumstances.
- Shampoo for cats
- Shampoo for cats without water
- Gloves made of rubber
- safety glasses
- Treats for calming cats
- wipes for pet grooming
- A big towel
- Washcloths designated specifically for this problem
- A comb
- Spray disinfectant
- scissors for grooming
Getting Ready for Cleaning

Ideally, it would help if you put on rubber gloves and long sleeves before beginning any cleaning procedure. You should always take precautions to avoid getting scratched by cats. Additionally, you’ll be handling excrement, so gloves are a good idea.
You should wear safety glasses to keep your eyes safe. These are mostly recommended for use while bathing your cat. It is not necessary, of course. However, a thrashing cat may cause poopy water to spray up into your eyes, which can lead to infections. Take care not to get splashes on your face if you’re not wearing the glasses.
Give your cat a soothing treat if you have time before you handle them. It might ease their tension and make things simpler for you both. You can also use regular treats as inducements and rewards to convince your cat to stay motionless.
This page offers various cleaning techniques, so you can select the one that will be most convenient for you and your feline companion.
Shampoo without water
Waterless shampoo can be a true lifesaver for little spills that don’t call for a complete bath. Typically, these are packaged in a spray container, allowing you to apply the product precisely where it’s needed. Poop that has dried out on the tail or legs or hardened in the fur works well for this. Simply mist the fur with the shampoo, then use a warm, damp cloth to remove any remaining excrement. Make sure you only use this cloth for these things.
Wipes for Pet Grooming
Using a pet grooming wipe that has been pre-moistened, you may easily remove the excrement from your cat’s fur. It is a one-step procedure that works effectively for small amounts of excrement that either wasn’t completely removed or got lodged in some fur without creating a big mess.
Treats are crucial in this situation because your cat can quickly run and hide if they grow accustomed to you approaching them with a grooming wipe. Make the process as stress-free as you can by keeping them nearby with goodies.
Complete Bathroom
You’ll need to bath your cat if the mess is too big for grooming wipes or waterless shampoo.
You can either give them a thorough wash or merely clean the back of their body, depending on how much excrement is in their fur. Before going to get your cat, fill the sink or tub with warm water. They could get frightened by the sound of flowing water.
To loosen and remove any trapped excrement, moisten the affected regions and massage cat shampoo into their fur after they’re in the water. Rinse your cat with clean water that you’ve previously set aside or with a shower head.
It’s crucial to avoid rinsing them in the water the cat is standing in. Fecal matter has contaminated this water. When you’re done cleaning the cat, drain the sink or tub and give them a thorough rinse.
Rinse your cat again once you think they have completely removed the shampoo from their fur. After that, begin drying them by wrapping them in a large towel.
Following Cleaning
When your cat is clean, you may prevent matting by brushing their fur with a comb. To ensure that no germs are left behind, make sure to use a disinfectant spray when cleaning the sink or bathtub.
For cats with lengthy hair

Both long-haired and short-haired cats should benefit from the cleaning techniques discussed here. To remove the excrement out of their fur, long-haired cats might need to put in extra effort and spend longer durations in the bathtub. Poops might become trapped in numerous places because of their lengthy hair. Then, mats and clumps may form, which require removal.
Try clipping the clump of excrement out if your long-haired cat isn’t cleaning up after you, regardless of the cleaning techniques you’ve tried. It could cause the coat to appear choppy, but it’s preferable to having poop lodged in it.
Sometimes the clump can be pulled out with your fingers after just one or two scissors cuts. Cuts don’t need to be made until the cluster is hard and compacted.
expert grooming and veterinary care
You can always take your cat to a professional groomer if you cannot clean them yourself. A groomer will wash your cat, trim their fur, and shave any parts of their body where it’s possible for excrement to become lodged once more. This may aid in halting further accumulation.
These visits can be expensive and stressful for your cat, but they are a possibility for those who are unable to manage a fidgety cat on their own. It could be necessary to sedate your cat if they are extremely uncooperative. You would have to take your cat to the veterinarian in these situations so they could give them a safe sedative and clean them.
Cat Urine on Preventing Cat Hair
You may do these actions to prevent excrement from becoming entangled in your cat’s fur, particularly if it happens frequently.
Modify Your Cat’s Nutrition
Your cat might be allergic to or sensitive to anything in their food if they frequently have diarrhea. A high-protein diet with fewer additives could be the solution to this problem. Consult your veterinarian about any potential allergies in your cat’s food and collaborate with them to develop a meal plan. After the offender is removed, your cat’s digestive system ought to return to normal.
Keep an eye on their weight.
If a cat is excessively heavy, they cannot reach their buttocks and struggle to groom themselves. Cats who receive daily, routine grooming remain clean throughout, but inaccessible regions may accumulate dirt or, in this example, excrement. You might need to clean your cat more frequently if they are heavier. They should be able to resume normal grooming after they shed a little weight.
Maintain Fur Trimmed
Although it is mostly for long-haired cats, short-haired cats might find it useful as well. By trimming the fur, you can prevent it from being tangled in excrement. Although it may seem laborious, regularly trimming the fur surrounding your cat’s buttocks can save you from having to clean them as often.
Make the litter box clean.
Cats prefer to relieve themselves in a tidy litter box. But it goes beyond the cat’s inclinations to keep the box tidy. Poop that has already been deposited in a litter box may adhere to their paws and fur if they walk, dig, or burrow in it. They can also use a larger space when the box is clean. Poop can get into their fur as they walk if they’re attempting to cram themselves into one clean location.
In conclusion: Methods for Removing Cat Poop from Cat Fur
Although it’s not the most enjoyable chore, cleaning excrement out of your cat’s fur must be done. Occasionally, cats only require a fast wipe to resolve an issue. Complete baths might be necessary in messier conditions.
You may expedite, ease, and simplify the process by utilizing the techniques we’ve outlined in this post.
We hope that you have resolved this matter and discovered strategies to stop it from occurring again.
What supplies do I need to clean cat poop out of fur?
Rubber gloves, pet grooming wipes, cat shampoo, a towel, treats, safety glasses, scissors, and disinfectant spray.
Should I bathe my cat to remove feces from their fur?
For large amounts of feces in the fur, a bath with cat shampoo is likely necessary. Make sure to only rinse the soiled areas.
How can I prevent my cat from getting poop stuck in their fur?
Keep your cat’s fur trimmed, especially around the rear. Maintain their ideal weight so they can properly groom. Keep the litter box very clean. Adjust their diet if they have frequent diarrhea.
When should I take my cat to the groomer or vet?
If you cannot remove the feces yourself, take your cat to a professional groomer. For extremely matted/soiled fur or an uncooperative cat, veterinary sedation may be required.