Players have not been given many clues about what to expect from Dreadwolf, including facts about fighting. Because of hints from many leaks and a trend the Dragon Age franchise has formed throughout the previous three games, players can anticipate that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s combat will differ from that in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
One of the most significant aspects of Dragon Age is combat, but it occupies a strange place in the series. Similar to the protagonist of Dragon Age, its combat system is constantly altered in subsequent games, either due to functional changes like updated game engines or the need for upgrades. Leaked 2022 combat footage from Dragon Age: Dreadwolf suggests that players will once more need to lower their expectations and become familiar with a new combat system.
Dragon Age Combat Has Been Difficult From the Start

Inspired by Dungeons & Dragons combat, Dragon Age: Origins introduced a sluggish, weighted fighting system at the beginning of the series. It used a dice-rolling mechanism to determine hits and damage, and although it was mostly successful, it was criticized for being cumbersome and slow, especially in retrospect. This system was drastically changed in Dragon Age 2, where fighting was quick and fierce. Rogue fighters would slice opponents into a thousand pieces with a single blow, wizards would launch bombs with a single swipe, and heavy weapon wielders would wield their weapons as though they were almost weightless.
Age of Dragons: Inquisition Aiming for Equilibrium
Another fighting system in Dragon Age: Inquisition was different from the others. By combining the faster movements of Dragon Age 2 with the weight and physicality of Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Inquisition aimed to reconcile the disparity between the two games. As a result, Dragon Age 2’s combat system was not as dazzling or unrealistic as many other CRPGs, but it was still faster than many others.
Due to EA’s Frostbite, Dragon Age: Inquisition has issues
Players may definitely anticipate a new fighting system with Dragon Age: Dreadwolf because BioWare is confident in its ability to innovate the combat system with each Dragon Age game. One of the obstacles BioWare faced while creating Dragon Age: Inquisition was EA’s Frostbite system, which also affected the fighting system. However, with ten years to work with Frostbite, the developer may have been able to improve the combat system from Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Leaked Footage from Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Shows a New Combat System

A 2022 leak for Dragon Age: Dreadwolf featured brief footage of a sword-and-shield fighter engaged in battle inside the Grey Warden stronghold of Weisshaupt. The combat is very different from earlier Dragon Age games; rather than being like prior Dragon Age games’ combat, it is more like God of War’s battle. This is partly because the sword-and-shield playtester had to parry throughout the real-time conflict manually. One of the most significant differences from the previous Dragon Age games is the shift from turn-based to real-time action-RPG combat, although this is also a direction the series has undoubtedly been taking.
The Development of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Still Has a Long Way to Go
Since the leaked video was taken relatively early in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s Alpha phase, it’s possible that significant changes will occur before the game’s release. Nevertheless, gamers have until the anticipated revelation in the summer of this year to judge for themselves whether Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is going in the right route. For the time being, anyway.