The mystery-thriller movie “Following” tells the tale of Koo Jung Tae (Byun Yo Han), an influencer he has been watching, as he observes Han So Ra’s (Shin Hye Sun) passing. In an effort to get exonerated of charges of murder, he then begins researching Han So Ra’s life. Lee El will portray Oh Young Joo, a homicide detective who painstakingly and tenaciously looks into Han So Ra’s disappearance.
Influencer Han So Ra displays her strong character and rebellious nature in the first teaser, showing up her middle finger and her declaration that she was meant to be alone. After that, the teaser depicts Han So Ra meticulously creating her internet identity by sharing staged deeds of compassion, like picking up a stray cat. Her well-planned façade, however, falls apart when she is discovered dead in her own house under suspicious circumstances. Koo Jung Tae, a real estate agent who frequently breaks into her home, finds her lifeless body first. He runs the risk of being the main suspect as a result.
Koo Jung Tae is left feeling helpless and confined as investigator Oh Young Joo (Lee El), who is looking into Han So Ra’s case, gets closer to him in the trailer. Determined to learn the truth and clear his name, Koo Jung Tae sets out on a treacherous mission to track down the true murderer.
A sequence of high-octane moments, involving Koo Jung Tae barely evading getting hit by a car and fighting suspicious people physically, close off the trailer.