Golden Kamuy, a historical adventure anime that premiered on Crunchyroll in 2018, has been somewhat overshadowed by the likes of Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen. The captivating narrative follows Japanese war veteran Saichi Sugimoto as he aids young Ainu girl Asirpa in avenging her father’s death.
Despite its relatively low profile, Golden Kamuy has made a significant leap into the live-action realm. Released in Japan in January 2024, the film quickly climbed the ranks to become the country’s sixth highest-grossing movie of the year, surpassing other popular titles like Spy x Family Code: White and Demon Slayer: To The Hashira Training. This success caught the attention of Netflix, leading to a quiet rollout in the US and UK.
The Golden Kamuy movie, now available for streaming on Netflix, closely follows the plot of the original anime, which is based on Satoru Noda’s manga. The film is directed by Shigeaki Kubo, known for his work on the recent High&Low series of Japanese action films.
In the film, Kento Yamazaki takes on the role of Saichi Sugimoto, with Anna Yamada playing Asirpa. Their dynamic echoes other popular narratives featuring an unexpected father figure guiding a young person toward redemption. Yûma Yamoto and Ryohei Otani join the cast as Yoshitake Shiraishi and Genjirō Tanigaki, respectively, adding depth to the ensemble as they navigate the complexities of a post-Russo-Japanese War landscape in search of Ainu treasure.
Golden Kamuy offers a perfect blend of adventure and escapism, serving as an enjoyable distraction while fans await updates on Tower of God Season 2, Solo Leveling Season 2, and other anticipated anime releases this year.