Even after the player accused Warzone content provider “Expel” of hacking, the video became viral for aiding an opponent to become more strategic in the game.
Activision has made every attempt to address the issue with the RICOCHET anti-cheat technology, but it still exists. In Warzone, hackers are a frequent cause of annoyance, therefore it makes sense that many gamers would become easily agitated.
Almost everyone can be driven to distraction by even the smallest whiff of dishonesty. Certain situations call for justified annoyance, but in others—like the one in which Expel just went viral—the anger is misplaced.
Expel leaped over, spotting an opponent on his cardiac sensor, and went to work. They were able to temporarily ping the target by firing through a boarded-up window, which helped them secure the kill.
The player became agitated and exclaimed, “Why have you gotta be such a hacking piece of s***, bro?” “You’re firing through walls that are f***ing.” “Eat a d*** bro, go hack some more,” he said, briefly rising to his feet before collapsing again.
“Come over here real quick before I kill you,” Expel ordered. The streamer took the player through every step of securing the kill in an effort to impart a lesson they wouldn’t soon forget.
After describing how any wooden surface may be penetrated, the streamer let the player study by dumping his entire class into the ground. “Observe my class; Combat Scout is included. As soon as you fire one shot, it marks your opponent through the wall,” he stated.
If you can close the distance, it will be much easier to kill the victim since, as Expel did, they remain pinged through walls after landing just one shot.
The gamer, not having any of it, kept pushing back, shouting “it doesn’t matter” and attempting to refute the streamer’s claims that she was being dishonest.
He remarked, “You were literally f***ing on point,” and then he solved his death’s case in a humorous way. “Unless you had a device that gave me my specific location, like a [Heartbeat Sensor]…
He spoke up immediately after Expel placed the Heartbeat Sensor on the ground in front of him, saying, “Okay, I’ll eat a d*** on that one then.”
The amazing exchange, which has received over five million views on X alone, has become popular on social media, with many people applauding the streamer’s maturity in the face of initial nastiness.
Expel stated, “I try to do this a lot.” But nobody seems to want to listen. More to become upset and put the blame on me than on their own lack of gaming expertise.